If (WinampCtrl.GetPlayListLength > 0) Then 'Playlist is not empty
Pos = WinampCtrl.GetPlayListPosition - 1
WinampCtrl.GetPlayList 'add to speeed up
End If
End Sub
Sub playList(p)
Dim Show, Length
am.Title = "Playlist: " & CStr(p+1)
Pos = p 'var needed to pass to functions: prevSongs, nextSongs, playSongs(1..9)
'WinampCtrl.GetPlayList 'remove to speed up remove only if no adding or removing songs during playlist use (2000+ songs
Length = WinampCtrl.GetPlayListLength
Show = Length - p 'songs to be shown, remaining songs
If (p > 0) Then am.AddItem MenuItemPrevSongs, "prevSongs" 'if first song of playlist is not shown
If (Show > 0) Then am.AddItem getSong(p), "playSong1"
If (Show > 1) Then am.AddItem getSong(p+1), "playSong2"
If (Show > 2) Then am.AddItem getSong(p+2), "playSong3"
If (Show > 3) Then am.AddItem getSong(p+3), "playSong4"
If (Show > 4) Then am.AddItem getSong(p+4), "playSong5"
If (Show > 5) Then am.AddItem getSong(p+5), "playSong6"
If (Show > 6) Then am.AddItem getSong(p+6), "playSong7"
If (Show > 7) Then am.AddItem getSong(p+7), "playSong8"
If ( (Show>8 and p=0) Or (Show=9) ) Then am.AddItem getSong(p+8), "playSong9"
If (Length=10 and p=0) Then
am.AddItem getSong(p+9), "playSong10"
ElseIf (Show > 9) Then 'Length <> 10
am.AddItem MenuItemNextSongs, "nextSongs" 'if there are more then 10 remaining songs
End If
am.Back = "onAMWinamp"
End Sub
Sub prevSongs
Pos = Pos-8 'back 8 songs what if there are 18 songs? and Show =9
If (Pos<2) Then Pos = 0
playList(Pos) 'Show new playlist with song# (Pos) as top of the list
End Sub
Sub nextSongs
If (Pos = 0) Then 'forward 9 songs if at beginning of list
Pos=Pos+8 'forward 8 songs if not at beginning of list
End If
playList(Pos) 'Show new playlist with song# (Pos) as top of the list
End Sub
Sub playSong1 'clicked on song-event
playSong(Pos) 'play song being shown on top (Pos = value top song)
End Sub
Sub playSong2 'clicked on song-event
playSong(Pos+1) 'play song being shown on top as 2nd (Pos = value top song) + 1 offset
End Sub
Sub playSong3
End Sub
Sub playSong4
End Sub
Sub playSong5
End Sub
Sub playSong6
End Sub
Sub playSong7
End Sub
Sub playSong8
End Sub
Sub playSong9
End Sub
Sub playSong10
End Sub
Sub playSong(i) 'function called by clicked on song events song
If ( (WinampCtrl.GetSongState = "playing") And (WinampCtrl.GetPlayListPosition-1 = i) ) Then 'clicked on a song that is being played then show song info
Else 'if song is not being played
WinampCtrl.PlaySongByPosition(i) 'then play song and
playList(i) 'show playlist with song# i at top of list
End If
End Sub
Function getSong(p) 'return songtitle of song p
Dim i ,limit ,Str ,s ,size, width, mark
Width = ScreenWidth-13 'width available pixels t610:112 t68i = 94
s = filter(WinampCtrl.GetSongTitlebyPosition(p))
s = replace(s,"( ","(") 'reading songs with " char causes lockup
s = replace(s," )",")") 'reading songs with " char causes lockup
s = replace(s,"[ ","[") 'reading songs with " char causes lockup